
Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Head of Department

Dr. Bernard Juma
Chair of DepartmentDr. Bernard Juma

The Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology provides an outstanding environment for studies in various areas of chemistry which include Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry. Students register in three Bachelor degree programs namely; BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Industrial Chemistry) and BTech (Cosmetology and Beuaty Science), and at post graduate level in Master of science in Chemistry and Doctor of philosophy in Chemistry. The department carries out high quality and internationally visible research while engaging students at both post graduate and graduate levels under the five broads areas in chemistry under the guidance of 23 renown academic staff (7 serving on part-time basis) and with strong support from 10 technical staff (4 serving on part time basis). In addition, the Department also services various school and faculties as follows: Agriculture, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Nursing amongst others.

The department is endowed with a number of modern equipments which include 300 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), HPLC, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS), Flame Photometer, UV/Vis Spectrophotometer and X-ray diffractometer amongst others, all available for both research and traning at graduate and post graduate level. The Liquid Nitrogen generator (LG 30) installed in the department supports the NMR machine but also supplies nitrogen to other schools within the institution and beyond.


NMR work station

The Department engages in IGU activities involving manufacture of detergents, shampoos, sanitizers, amongst other products for sale to clients both within and without. In addition we also train clients at a fee on how these products can be prepared.

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Academic Staff

Prof. Maurice Vincent Omolo

Prof. Danstone Barasa

Prof. Francis Orata Omoto

Dr. Isaac Odhiambo K’Owino

Dr. Joseph H. Owino

Dr. Bernard Juma

Dr. Selline A. Ooko

Dr. Rahab Kamau

Dr. Garshom Mutua

Dr. Benard Omondi Omogo

Dr. Fred Ayodi Lisouza

Dr. Regina Bwire

Dr. Selly Kimosop

Dr. Roselyne Ongulu

Mr. Charles Ekisa

Technical Staff

Mr. Manoah Opanga

Ms. Agripina Khalembi

Ms. Lydia Nandemu

Ms. Immaculate Keyari

Ms. Caroline Waswa

Ms. Agnes Muyale

Ms. Agripina Shitadayi


Administrative Staff

Ms. Violet Oside

Connect with us

The School of Natural Sciences

Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology,

P.O. Box, 190-50100, Kakamega, Kenya

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